Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Up all night...

Sleep all day! I wish (remember that song?)

I was up almost all night again until 4:00, then I laid down and just could NOT go to sleep. I think I slept a total of 2 hours. I was verrry tempted to stay in bed this morning but I still was not very sleepy so I got up at 7:30. I have an interview at 1:45 today so hopefully I won't be sleepy then. Yikes. We also may go to a movie tonight since my future hubby has free tickets-hopefully I can stay awake! Now let's see if we can agree on what movie to see! He wants to see National Treasure: Book of Secrets (problem is I never saw the 1st one)and I want to see Definitely, Maybe.

I should just get busy and do some cleaning around here for a few hours instead of playing around on the computer. Yeah, right.

It snowed overnight, but not very much, only about an inch or so, YAY.

I don't think I've mentioned my cat before, but she is my baby and I've had her for 8 years. We are completely smitten with each other (so call me crazy cat lady, I don't care, neener neener!)
I think she is 9 years old. She is a beautiful white cat with a few dark grey markings and a grey tail, and her name is Sophie.

She has developed some disturbing health issues in the last 3 years or so. She started licking her sides and tummy incessantly, until almost all the hair was gone, and recently, she started chewing on 2 of her paws until they bled. :( We ran up some vet bills having her tested for the licking problem (of course they can't figure out if it's allergies or behavioral) and then we had to have her paws all bandaged up, which she just LOVED, almost as much as she loved wearing the plastic collar lampshade thing around her head. The paw problem started over the summer. We thought they had healed, but a couple of months later she started up again, so we have had the plastic lampshade on her for the past month, because she just cannot leave.her.feet.ALONE.

So, last night, as a test, I took off the collar for an extended period of time (instead of just the usual time limit of about 30 min. per day) and watched her like a hawk, and she actually left her feet alone. She did start in on them a couple of times but luckily we caught her and she stopped, and so we left it off overnight and she seems to be okay. The only thing is that she has practically been licking and grooming non-stop since last night, so we are trying to figure out if this is because she is making up for lost time while having the collar on, or if it's a health or behavioral issue. *sigh* I'm so crazy about her and I don't understand why she has to have these problems, but all I can do is take care of her. She's my sunshine.

Ta for now!

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